Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Liquid Burning of Apocalyptic Bard Letters - Tonight!

If you're in the Chicago area, my friend Aaron Cynic and I have a organized a reading event, The Liquid Burning of Apocalyptic Bard Letters. The event is tonight and we have several other Chicago writers on board. It revolves around the theme of dystopia. I always have the most fun at collaborative reading events so I'm psyched about this and equally psyched to see what pieces the others bring to the table. I'll be reading a new piece which I'll be revising over the coming weeks and submitting it to various magazines and journals. I'm sure reading aloud will help, hearing it aloud is always nice. Originally I was thinking of just reading an excerpt of Turban Tan for my piece but I find I like the idea of giving the audience a full story experience as opposed to just a small section out a long text. That would be the literary equivalent of letting a soup lover taste a spoonful but not offering a full bowl. It's a terrible analogy, I know. Best I could come up with. But just know I'll give you a full story and it will be like a tiny but fat steak, very filling. If you're not in the Chicago area we're looking into recording it and pod casting it in the near future.

Here's a teaser.

The Liquid Burning of Apocalyptic Bard Letter from Jeff Phillips on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Keep it up, buddy!

We're pulling for you.