Rudolph: Where's it housed?
Adolph: In the deep tide. I tossed it over.
Rudolph: Hasty fellow.
Adolph: Couldn't bear the heavy nostalgia.
Rudolph: She gave it to you years ago.
Adolph: When my feelings were much more raw.
Rudolph: Still there's been decades.
Adolph: And a deeper hole.
Rudolph: The pain the oyster feels to make a pearl, I'd think you'd at least appreciate that and move on.
Adolph: The pain I felt to paint her portrait, and she burned it in the oven to roast a suckling pig.
Rudolph: She found function. All you found was sheer avoidance.
Adolph: I couldn't bear it.
Rudolph: The economy won't forgive this easy. Emotional signifcance does not overshadow the worth. If you sold it to the Mongolians as was advised, our empire could have persevered.
Adolph: That ruby sunk the face of our empire long before. I hate her and it clouds my ability to strategize. We cornered our selves.
Rudolph: You cornered your self and with it, incarcerated the movement you started.
Adolph: My stomach pains me.
Rudolph: You should eat.
Adolph: I carved off a chunk of ruby and swallowed it, the day before I threw it to the Caspian Sea. Every morning I feel it trying to digest, but the gash worsens.
Rudolph: My god.
Adolph: I cannot digest a morsel ever again.
Rudolph: So the bitch won.
Adolph: No, we go down together.
That was sad.
: (
Bitches . . .
"...Sur notre petit tas de boue, nous ne concevons rien au delĂ de nos usages." - Voltaire
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