Jeff Phillips?
Jeff Phillips is the author of Whiskey Pike: A Bedtime Story for the Drinking Mankind, Turban Tan, and Votary Nerves. He was once a storefront theatre method actor until he ran his original works theatre company into the ground. But he kept writing, and hooked up with the Chicago comedy group Wood Sugars collaborating on short films, variety show podcast episodes, and live sketch shows. In 2010 he work-shopped his play Bosto as part of the DCA Studio Theatre's Incubator series for new works. His short stories have appeared in Seeding Meat, Literary Orphans, Metazen and This Zine Will Change Your Life.
Drop him a line sometime at jeffphillips dot thirdleave [at] gmail dot com if you'd like.
He would enjoy hearing from you. Or follow him on twitter ~ @TheIglooOven